Shirt: Old Navy // Shorts: Gap (originally jeans) // Shoes: DV by Dolce Vita via Nordstrom // Sunglasses: Ray-Ban // Bracelet, Rings: Madewell // Toes: Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Blue Me Away
Since I'm living in Texas again, I decided it would be a good idea to grow my hair out during spring so that I could put it up during the summer. But now that school's starting back up again, I'm excited to be back to shorter hair. It feels so much lighter, and it's so easy to do now. I wore this outfit last weekend to run some errands and pick up some end-of-summer-vacation treats from a bakery down the road. It was my last weekend of sweet, sweet freedom and I needed to self-medicate with some sugary delights.

Do you wear your hair shorter or longer during the summer? Or do you prefer the same length all year long?
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